
Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar

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Dvar for Behar-Bechukotai (Leviticus 25:1-27:34)

Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar
Fri, May 12, 2023 1:10 PM

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar (and Daily Aliya).
Please consider forwarding this to others, and I hope you enjoy... Shabbat

Dvar Torah for Behar 1st Aliya

Parshat Behar begins by describing the unique laws of the shemita
(sabbatical seventh year for all fields, with agricultural practices that
allow the land to rest) and yovel (Jubilee 50th year for all fields, when
all land reverts back to original owners) laws (25:1-34). Nestled among the
laws is the twice-mentioned precept not to wrong one another in business
dealings (25:14, 17). Rashi explains that the first commandment is specific
to appropriate business dealings, while the second restriction refers to
verbally abusing or taking advantage of others. Why were these tenets
placed in the middle of the shemita and yovel laws?

Rav S. R. Hirsch explains that the laws of shemita and yovel are centered
around the concept that whatever happens in a given period always reverts
to its origin, such that people revert to being equals. In contrast, taking
advantage of someone monetarily or verbally abusing them implies an
attitude that one is better than their peers and justified in taking
advantage of their weaknesses. We are warned not to wrong another and are
immediately reminded that we have a G-d, that we are more alike than we are
different. As Rabbi Yosef Levinson adds, instead of seeing faults and
weaknesses in others, let us focus on their good qualities. Instead of
causing pain, let us use words of encouragement. And instead of using body
language to make others uncomfortable, let us consider using motions and
expressions that bring happiness to others.

Shlomo Ressler

Quotation of the week:
"Being negative only makes the journey more difficult. You may be given a
cactus, but you don't have to sit on it."

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar (and Daily Aliya). Please consider forwarding this to others, and I hope you enjoy... Shabbat Shalom. _______________________________________________ Dvar Torah for Behar 1st Aliya Parshat Behar begins by describing the unique laws of the shemita (sabbatical seventh year for all fields, with agricultural practices that allow the land to rest) and yovel (Jubilee 50th year for all fields, when all land reverts back to original owners) laws (25:1-34). Nestled among the laws is the twice-mentioned precept not to wrong one another in business dealings (25:14, 17). Rashi explains that the first commandment is specific to appropriate business dealings, while the second restriction refers to verbally abusing or taking advantage of others. Why were these tenets placed in the middle of the shemita and yovel laws? Rav S. R. Hirsch explains that the laws of shemita and yovel are centered around the concept that whatever happens in a given period always reverts to its origin, such that people revert to being equals. In contrast, taking advantage of someone monetarily or verbally abusing them implies an attitude that one is better than their peers and justified in taking advantage of their weaknesses. We are warned not to wrong another and are immediately reminded that we have a G-d, that we are more alike than we are different. As Rabbi Yosef Levinson adds, instead of seeing faults and weaknesses in others, let us focus on their good qualities. Instead of causing pain, let us use words of encouragement. And instead of using body language to make others uncomfortable, let us consider using motions and expressions that bring happiness to others. Shlomo Ressler _____________________________________________ Quotation of the week: "Being negative only makes the journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it."