
Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar

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Dvar for Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22)

Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar
Wed, Jul 19, 2023 3:31 PM

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar (and Daily Aliya).
Please consider forwarding this to others, and I hope you enjoy... Shabbat

Dvar Torah for Devarim 7th Aliya

Moshe addresses the tribes of Reuven and Gad, imploring them to fight for
their brothers in Israel before settling down across the Jordan (3:18).
However, Moshe does not address just the two tribes in question but uses
the word “etchem,” which includes all the tribes.

Rabbeinu Bachya points out that although this particular mandate was
directed at Reuven and Gad to help the rest of the tribes conquer and
settle in Israel, the notion of fighting for your brothers is a more
universal concept meant for all people. Birkat Asher extends this logic to
ideological or philosophical conflicts, where advocating for another
person’s perspective is just as important as fighting for your own.
Validating others’ perspectives will bring us closer to each other and
advance harmony among all people.

Shlomo Ressler

Quotation of the week:
"A million likes will never be enough if you don't like yourself."

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar (and Daily Aliya). Please consider forwarding this to others, and I hope you enjoy... Shabbat Shalom. _______________________________________________ Dvar Torah for Devarim 7th Aliya Moshe addresses the tribes of Reuven and Gad, imploring them to fight for their brothers in Israel before settling down across the Jordan (3:18). However, Moshe does not address just the two tribes in question but uses the word “etchem,” which includes all the tribes. Rabbeinu Bachya points out that although this particular mandate was directed at Reuven and Gad to help the rest of the tribes conquer and settle in Israel, the notion of fighting for your brothers is a more universal concept meant for all people. Birkat Asher extends this logic to ideological or philosophical conflicts, where advocating for another person’s perspective is just as important as fighting for your own. Validating others’ perspectives will bring us closer to each other and advance harmony among all people. Shlomo Ressler _____________________________________________ Quotation of the week: "A million likes will never be enough if you don't like yourself."