
Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar

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Dvar for Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23)

Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar
Wed, Jan 31, 2024 5:21 PM

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar and Daily Aliyah. As
always, you can Order The Daily Aliyah
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copy of these daily practical and relevant Torah thoughts (all proceeds go
to Daily Giving), or join this Whatsapp group
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I hope you find this meaningful...

Parashas Yitro chronicles Moshe’s father-in-law’s visit. As Yitro observed
Moshe sitting and rendering judgments for the people all day, he realized
that the process was bad for the people and Moshe and that a more
sustainable system must be established. Yitro suggests
a hierarchal judicial system allowing people to “reach their place in
peace” (18:23). Why would this delegation increase peace? If anything,
being more removed from Moshe’s direct teachings would seem worse.

The Netziv asked this question and explained by quoting from the Gemara.
The Gemara says that mediation is the preferred mode of conflict resolution
because both sides are able to get at least some of what they each want,
thereby increasing overall peace. While Moshe’s actions reflected a
predisposition for preferred justice, he ultimately agreed with and
implemented Yitro’s suggestion for a hierarchy of judges—for the ultimate
good of the people and overall harmony.

Because Moshe was essentially a judge and could not mediate, it
necessitated a delegation of responsibility to others, enabling them to
contribute to their new Jewish brotherhood. We all have our strengths and
limitations, and when we recognize them, we are able to have confidence in
others to maximize our individual and collective potential.

Shlomo Ressler

Quotation of the week:
"Anger is a weakness, self-control is strength, calmness is mastery."

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar and Daily Aliyah. As always, you can Order The Daily Aliyah <https://mosaicapress.com/product/the-daily-aliyah/> and receive your hard copy of these daily practical and relevant Torah thoughts (all proceeds go to Daily Giving), or join this Whatsapp group <https://chat.whatsapp.com/DnAFialrvmy6hNahBkU61F> to receive one per day. I hope you find this meaningful... _______________________________________________ Parashas Yitro chronicles Moshe’s father-in-law’s visit. As Yitro observed Moshe sitting and rendering judgments for the people all day, he realized that the process was bad for the people and Moshe and that a more sustainable system must be established. Yitro suggests a hierarchal judicial system allowing people to “reach their place in peace” (18:23). Why would this delegation increase peace? If anything, being more removed from Moshe’s direct teachings would seem worse. The Netziv asked this question and explained by quoting from the Gemara. The Gemara says that mediation is the preferred mode of conflict resolution because both sides are able to get at least some of what they each want, thereby increasing overall peace. While Moshe’s actions reflected a predisposition for preferred justice, he ultimately agreed with and implemented Yitro’s suggestion for a hierarchy of judges—for the ultimate good of the people and overall harmony. Because Moshe was essentially a judge and could not mediate, it necessitated a delegation of responsibility to others, enabling them to contribute to their new Jewish brotherhood. We all have our strengths and limitations, and when we recognize them, we are able to have confidence in others to maximize our individual and collective potential. Shlomo Ressler _____________________________________________ Quotation of the week: "Anger is a weakness, self-control is strength, calmness is mastery."