
Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar

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Dvar for Tzav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36)

Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar
Wed, Mar 27, 2024 9:37 PM

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar and Daily Aliyah. As
always, you can Order The Daily Aliyah
https://mosaicapress.com/product/the-daily-aliyah/ and receive your hard
copy of these daily practical and relevant Torah thoughts (all proceeds go
to Daily Giving), or join this Whatsapp group
https://chat.whatsapp.com/DnAFialrvmy6hNahBkU61F to receive one per day.
I hope you find this meaningful...

The Torah discusses the initial sacrifices brought by Moshe and Aharon,
describing how Moshe took the blood from the sacrifice to place on Aharon’s
right ear, right thumb, and right big toe (8:23). As this is the inaugural
service of the Mishkan, it would behoove us to understand the significance
of placing blood on these three specific body parts.

Rabbeinu Bachya submits that the three locations of the placement of blood
correspond to the three types of actions we use in the world: The right ear
represents communication, the right thumb corresponds to motion and action,
and the right toe represents the physical world. These representations
raise awareness that our actions have consequences beyond our immediate
surroundings and help us be mindful of our actions’ potential and impact.

Shlomo Ressler

Quotation of the week:
“You cannot see outside of yourself what you fail to you inside yourself” -
from It’s All The Same To Me

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar and Daily Aliyah. As always, you can Order The Daily Aliyah <https://mosaicapress.com/product/the-daily-aliyah/> and receive your hard copy of these daily practical and relevant Torah thoughts (all proceeds go to Daily Giving), or join this Whatsapp group <https://chat.whatsapp.com/DnAFialrvmy6hNahBkU61F> to receive one per day. I hope you find this meaningful... _______________________________________________ The Torah discusses the initial sacrifices brought by Moshe and Aharon, describing how Moshe took the blood from the sacrifice to place on Aharon’s right ear, right thumb, and right big toe (8:23). As this is the inaugural service of the Mishkan, it would behoove us to understand the significance of placing blood on these three specific body parts. Rabbeinu Bachya submits that the three locations of the placement of blood correspond to the three types of actions we use in the world: The right ear represents communication, the right thumb corresponds to motion and action, and the right toe represents the physical world. These representations raise awareness that our actions have consequences beyond our immediate surroundings and help us be mindful of our actions’ potential and impact. Shlomo Ressler _____________________________________________ Quotation of the week: “You cannot see outside of yourself what you fail to you inside yourself” - from It’s All The Same To Me