
Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar

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Dvar for Vaeira (Exodus 6:2-9:34)

Short, practical, relevant Weekly Dvar
Wed, Jan 10, 2024 7:43 PM

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar and Daily Aliyah. As
always, you can Order The Daily Aliyah
https://mosaicapress.com/product/the-daily-aliyah/ and receive your hard
copy of these daily practical and relevant Torah thoughts (all proceeds go
to Daily Giving), or join this Whatsapp group
https://chat.whatsapp.com/DnAFialrvmy6hNahBkU61F to receive one per day.
I hope you connect with this...

The Torah describes the second plague leveled against Egypt as the “plague
of frog” (singular), not frogs (8:2). The Midrash explains that it started
with one frog, and when the Egyptians hit it, the frog split into two, and
those two also split when hit, and so on. Why wouldn’t G-d just create a
swarm of frogs as He does later with other plagues?

Rabbi Yochanan Zweig explains that the frogs multiplied as a direct
response to the Egyptians’ evil acts of hitting the frogs, demonstrating to
the Egyptians that there are consequences to their choices and actions. It
is their cruel treatment of the Jews and the excessive hardship imposed on
them that precisely precipitated this punishment, or the second plague, as
we have come to know it. The Egyptians may not have learned the lesson of
compassion, certainly not by the second plague. We should strive to
approach life with understanding and compassion, even if surrounded by the

Shlomo Ressler

Quotation of the week:
"Show compassion to the people hurting. And if you are the one hurting, do
the same for yourself."

Welcome to the short, practical Lelamed Weekly Dvar and Daily Aliyah. As always, you can Order The Daily Aliyah <https://mosaicapress.com/product/the-daily-aliyah/> and receive your hard copy of these daily practical and relevant Torah thoughts (all proceeds go to Daily Giving), or join this Whatsapp group <https://chat.whatsapp.com/DnAFialrvmy6hNahBkU61F> to receive one per day. I hope you connect with this... _______________________________________________ The Torah describes the second plague leveled against Egypt as the “plague of frog” (singular), not frogs (8:2). The Midrash explains that it started with one frog, and when the Egyptians hit it, the frog split into two, and those two also split when hit, and so on. Why wouldn’t G-d just create a swarm of frogs as He does later with other plagues? Rabbi Yochanan Zweig explains that the frogs multiplied as a direct response to the Egyptians’ evil acts of hitting the frogs, demonstrating to the Egyptians that there are consequences to their choices and actions. It is their cruel treatment of the Jews and the excessive hardship imposed on them that precisely precipitated this punishment, or the second plague, as we have come to know it. The Egyptians may not have learned the lesson of compassion, certainly not by the second plague. We should strive to approach life with understanding and compassion, even if surrounded by the opposite. Shlomo Ressler _____________________________________________ Quotation of the week: "Show compassion to the people hurting. And if you are the one hurting, do the same for yourself."